damien hirst et la chose en soi

il y a une succulente anecdote concernant jamie byng, en charge de la maison d'édition canongate, et l'artiste damien hirst dans le très intéressant article de gideon lewis-kraus, the last book party (harper's magazine, mars 2009), sur la foire du livre de frankfort:

canongate's booth has a chesterfield couch and a leather club chair, but bob and jamie and i are at a low table. jamie's talking about having republished a cult cocaine book from the seventies called snowblind, and how "damien" -- damien hirst -- designed a limited-edition version. damien's idea was to use heavy steel-reinforced mirrors as the book's covers, and for each book to come with a real hundred-dollar bill in a compartment drilled out of the pages and a steel fake AmEx-card bookmark. this was all during a period when damien was seriously, like, interested in cocaine "as a thing." they did a thousand copies and the book sold for a thousand pounds, though at damien's recent auction some copies went for fifteen hundred.

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